The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Growing and healing is within reach

Contact Us

We are based in Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill, Brisbane and offer a combination of services that benefit individuals and families.

We offer a range of diagnostic assessment and treatment options for children through to adults.

Our focus is on enhancing the mental well-being of adult caregivers. In doing so, we assist with the management of mental illness, addiction and/or family violence which adversely impacts the well-being of the family system.

We collaborate with the adults in families in a child-focused manner to offer evidence-based guidance on  establishing safe home environments.

We support the development and maintainence of collaborative and cooperative co-parenting relationships.

Counselling & Psycological Support 

We utilise evidence-based interventions and clinical experience to determine the most effective treatment. We offer a range of services at Child & Family Matters.

With all our clients across the age span, our focus is establishing psychological safety in the therapeutic environment. This safety assists our clients in relaxing and articulating their concerns in their own unique ways and in their own time.

When working with children, we conduct intake assessments with each care provider involved in the client’s care. This can be conducted in person, over the phone or via videoconference. The information from an intake assessment with each care provider can assist in identifying and understanding the difficulties faced by the young person.

Play Therapy

We use creative and play-based activities with children and adolescent clients to build a therapeutic relationship to understand the young person’s experiences. Our rooms are equipped with toys, books, materials to self-soothe, and games to assist with lowering any discomfort our clients may initially experience.

Relationship counselling & Family therapy

We offer guidance and support for individuals and families navigating relational challenges. We work towards identifying familial dynamics that interfere with healthy functioning and fostering healthy boundaries amongst family members. We offer reportable and non-reportable family therapy to families adjusting to marital separation.

EMDR Treatment

We offer trauma-informed counselling to help children, adolescents and adults heal from traumatic experiences. Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) is a gold-standard treatment to process traumatic memories. EMDR is also used to treat maladaptive self-beliefs such as “I’m unworthy/unlovable/bad/unsafe“. These negative self-cognitions can shape the development of low self-worth and affect the psychological vulnerability one experiences in relation to life stressors.

Before commencing EMDR treatment, we provide essential stabilisation skills training either via individual or group appointments.

Therapy for Therapists

We understand the importance of personal growth and self-reflection for therapists and practitioners from counselling and mental health backgrounds. Regular and ongoing therapy for the therapist is crucial in managing our inner responses to the combined effects of clinical work and personal stressors. Therapy for the therapist offers the space and time to consider how our work affects us and allows us to enhance our capacity to be emotionally available to our clients.

Family Dispute Resolution


Separating can be a stressful event in one’s life. Dr. Latika is Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner accredited with the Attorney-General’s Department. As a seasoned Counselling & Clinical Psychologist and Child Consultant, she assists families requiring input from an experienced developmental and attachment perspective.

We offer intake assessments and dispute resolution dates within four weeks of enquiry. Resolution of parenting matters and division of assets outside of Court is a fraction of the cost of litigation.

With a background in mental health, trauma and neurodivergence, Dr. Latika is well-placed to offer a culturally and emotionally sensitive mediation process to tailor future parenting arrangements that meet the unique needs of your family.

Please contact FDR – CFM for enquiries about Family Dispute Resolution services.

Single Family Dispute Resolution

Conducted by Dr. Latika, with a child focus and without including children in the mediation process.

Child-Inclusive Mediation

Involves the collaborative decision between a Mediator and co-parents to involve a Child Consultant to determine the attachment and developmental needs of the family. The Child Consultant meets with each parent, and each child, and joins in Mediation with the Mediator to offer guidance on appropriate parenting arrangements.

Co-Mediation FDR

Is conducted in a dynamic combination of Dr. Latika and a Family Lawyer; both of us are accredited Family Dispute Resolution practitioners.

Assessments & report-writing services 


Our team conducts thorough assessments and provides reports for diagnostic clarification of the unique needs of children, adults, individual personality and family functioning. We are skilled Clinical Psychologists, Social Workers and Counsellors experienced working therapeutically in family law matters.

Assessment Types

  • Cognitive Assessments: A Psychologist evaluates a child’s cognitive capacities through a standardised intelligence assessment.
  • Assessment of Neurodivergence: A Psychologist interviews and makes an assessment of executive functioning differences (known as ADHD) and autism.

Single Expert Reports

  • Psychological Assessment and Report for individuals and co-parents in the family law process, requiring diagnostic clarification of psychological functioning to assist the Court.
  • Child Impact Report offers the Court a preliminary assessment of issues to assist with interim decisions.
  • Family Report provides the Court with a comprehensive assessment of parental vulnerabilities and familial dynamics.
  • Specific Issues Report matters as determined by the Court order.

Please contact Reports – CFM for enquiries about report-writing services.


Our experienced team of practitioners provides supervision services tailored to support practitioners working within family law, psychology, assessment and EMDR treatment. We offer guidance, feedback and a supportive space for professional growth and development.