The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Welcome to Child & Family Matters.
We provide compassionate and child-centred support to children and families. We are a team of experienced mental health and child-focused practitioners who put the needs of children at the centre of our clinical practice. This includes a practice of healing the wounded inner child of adults who have experienced adverse childhood events that continue to affect their adult lives.

Growing and healing
is within reach

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Welcome to Child & Family Matters.
We provide compassionate and child-centred support to children and families. We are a team of experienced mental health and child-focused practitioners who put the needs of children at the centre of our clinical practice. This includes a practice of healing the wounded inner child of adults who have experiecned adverse childhood events that continue to affect their adult lives.

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We are experienced in treating the impact of attachment wounds in childhood, also known as Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN). When left untreated, adverse events in childhood can impact on many parts of adulthood, including relationships, work and life satisfaction, self-confidence, and overall well-being. Untreated CEN can result in a number of psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety, disordered eating, personality vulnerabilities, compulsive and addictive behaviours. CEN can impact on our everyday relationships, causing friction and discomfort. We may be unaware of how our CEN has influenced the way in which we relate to our partners, friends and work colleagues. Our aim at Child & Family Matters is to assist with building self-awareness to repair the wounds acquired in childhood, so that we do not go on to repeat the cycle for future generations (intergenerational trauma).

Repair of these wounds involve a deep exploration of self to discover innate strengths that can assist with challenges in life. We welcome all individuals and all families in this empowering journey.

We work with parents and children providing support, with life transitions, including perinatal and postnatal parenting support, pre and post-separation counselling and other adjustment to life changes. We also provide treatment of traumatic experiences for children and adults.

We are child, adolescent and adult focused counsellors, psychologists and family therapists who have acquired diverse clinical experiences from working in a range of settings. We believe helping children meet their developmental potential enhances the individual and collective well-being of families.

We believe “Child & Family Matters”